About Us

Antique Wheels in Motion Inc., is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1996 by a group of enthusiastic antique equipment collectors throughout Lanark, Leeds and Grenville counties.

The club’s goal is to demonstrate the many ways our ancestors grew and harvested their crops 50 plus years ago.  This is done through our annually held “Harvest Days” each summer.  The event allows public involvement while both the public and club members have fun doing it.

Each fall, the club members decide which charities they donate to. The Canadian Food Grain Bank, a charity that works to feed the hungry world wide is our first choice each year.

About “Harvest Days”:
Our ‘Harvest Days” event is held annually in August. This allows the membership to display and demonstrate the many types of equipment that were used by their ancestors to the general public.

Much work has to be done before hand to put the event on.  The existing site has to be cultivated and planted with the crops used for demonstration purposes.  All this work is done using antique equipment and membership participation.  The crops are then cared for by the members to ensure a good crop and yield by harvest time.

Harvest time comes approximately a week before the show  The members then gather at the site to bind and stook the grain.  The stooking allows the grain to air-dry for a few days so it can be threshed.

For more information,or to join the club, contact Al Slater at 613-925-2100 or Gord Buker at 613-348-3836

Directions From Prescott

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From Ottawa or Kemptville
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